Thursday, December 11, 2014


When I first started reading "Their Eyes Were Watching God" I felt bad for Janie because her grandmother forced her to marry Logan and told her that with time she would eventually love him, but she never does. However after spending only a week with Jody she decides to run off with him because she didn't feel like she was being treated fairly by Logan. But after a few years Jody acted even worse than Logan because not only did he make her work, he abused her and kept her from socializing with the rest of the town, After Jody dies, Janie meets Tea Cake who she begins to fall in love with, Even after what happen with Logan and Jody, Jamie is still going to rush her emotions just to get marriage without getting to know them better. If she had done that with Jody she wouldn't have run off with him. If she keeps doing this she will always have her heart broken by some guy who only acts nice at first.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


I am thankful for Odin Slade Byrd. Odin is very funny, kind, and inviting. I am thankful for him being funny because whenever I work in a group worth him it's never a dull moment because he always has a joke or something funny to say. I am very thankful for him being kind because whenever someone in our group isn't working well, or someone is struggling with their work he doesn't get mad that they're not getting their part done, instead he helps them, which is a sign of a good friend. I am also thankful that Odin is very inviting, earlier during the year when we were doing group work Odin saw I didn't have a group so he invited me into his group, I am thankful for this because if he didn't invite me into his group I probably wouldn't have met such a nice friend.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemmingway

     Ernest Hemmingway is a brilliant author who's stories were based of off his adventures in real life. His writing style was also inspired by other writers like Mark Twain. All of his stories were inspired by at least one his adventures in real life and one unique writing style. Some of his stories like  2 big hearted river, and in another country, relate to his time in the war and show his insecurity of his masculinity, since they both involve violence and depression. Most of his stories show a lot of masculinity in the characters and the setting, this is because when he was child his mother dressed as a girl and cut his hair to make him look like a girl, so he wants to do and write a manly story to make up for what he had to go through as a child. A cat in the rain reflects Ernest's love life, because he's had multiple wives and always loses interest in them like the husband in the story. All of Hemmingway's stories form a sort of emotional timeline for his life. Each story shows what he was feeling at the time, his current relationship status, and what his interest were at the time.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

6 6 Word Sentences

1.) The old man, the little girl.
2.) The knife, the blood, the crying.
3.) The man, the wife, the baby.
4.) The last apple I will eat.
5.) I will never work ever again.
6.) My father went to the moon.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

     I think John Proctor is a stooge because he doesn't fit the qualities of a hero. A hero saves people, fights for whats right, or what's best for everyone. He let a lot of innocent people die and he couldn't even save himself. When he went to court to try and prove Elizabeth innocent but fails and gets hung. What truly makes him a stooge is how he ends up being hung.

     While in court Proctor tells a bunch of lies of how he works for the devil and tells the judge how he lied about everything. However in the end he refused to sign his testimony. By doing this he gets hanged and fails his mission. What makes it worse is that he lied before getting hanged. If he had lied and signed the testimony he would've gotten to live. If he had told the truth he would've died but he would've gone to heaven. By lying and refusing to sign the testimony he gets hanged and he has to go to hell. So he just screwed himself in both ways. This is why I think he is a stooge.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Arrivals...There Goes the Neighborhood

     I was hunting in the woods with my father when we heard a lot of people yelling in gibberish. We traveled through the lush green forest teeming with wildlife and healthy plants. Once we exited the forest and made it through the forest and made it to the shore we saw an enormous wooden contraption. This thing had a smooth and curved bottom and a flat surface on top that looked like we could walk across, it was stationed at the very edge of the shore, almost as if it was meant for the water.

     We then saw people emerging from this contraption and heading for shore. these people seemed nice but looked very different, Their skin was milky white and they had many layers of cloth on them. As I was starring at them my father signaled me to come with him back to the village. Our village was very small it had about 10 tepees, every tepee belonged to a family, the biggest tepee belonged to the chief who lived alone. The tepee's were white and very clean compared to the brown ground that formed the ground for our village.

     When we got home I immediately old all of my friends what I saw with excitement but my father went straight to the chief. When I saw them talking they looked very serious, then they called out to the entire village. My father explained our situation to the entire village and the chief then told everyone that we had to show kindness to our new neighbors if we don't want any trouble from them. All of the villagers agreed with him and decided to present gifts to our new neighbors.

     It was decided that my father and 2 other men would present the gifts the newcomers, when I heard this I immediately begged my father to let him take me with him. When I asked my father he looked at the other men for guidance and they nodded, I exploded with excitement and outran the men to the shore.

     When we arrived we saw a horrifying scene, these new men were cutting down trees and clearing large amounts of lands. When they saw us they ran towards us with long sliver sticks that they were holding sideways and pointing towards us. I could sense the fear in my father and the men. We then gently placed the gifts on the ground and backed into the forest. Before we left I heard one of the evil mean say something but it sounded like gibberish, he said " There are savages here!? The they must have resources we can use! We raid their homes at night!"

    That night I awoke to the screams of women and the cries of infants. I raced out of my home to see the whole village in flames. I walked a few steps forward and tripped on something large. I looked down to see that I had tripped on my fathers corpse. I looked up to see the one of them riding a horse killing my family, my friends, and my neighbors. After they pilfered all of our goods they returned to their settlement. The morning awoke with a thunder storm mourning for the death of everyone in the village. I then stood up from my fathers corpse and gathered what little materials those evil men left and made my way to the nearest tribe, to warn them of the dangers these new settlers pose.

Friday, September 5, 2014



     My name is Eric Escobedo. I'm 15 years old. A few things about me are that my favorite color is green, and I'm not a big fan of sports. My favorite activities are watching anime and playing video games. My favorite class is Japanese. The clubs and programs that I am in at Whitney Young are Japanese club, Chinese club, Mangaka club, and Asian American club. I find Asian culture very interesting and fun even tough I am Mexican. My favorite food is Pizza and my hero is a Japanese game designer named Shigeru Miyamoto. He is my hero because all of the games he designs are based off the adventures he had as a kid and based off of his on creativity. Creativity is something I admire in people. That's all there is about me, thank you for taking time to read about me.