Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Principle To Keep

A principle I would always keep with me no matter what the circumstance is would be to leave no man left behind. I would never leave anyone behind because leaving someone to behind is basically telling them that they are of no use to you and that you don't want them with you anymore. You are abandoning them and leaving them to fend for themselves. In the scenario of an apocalypse you are leaving them to die because no one would be able to survive on their own. If you abandon them they will feel hopeless and depressed because the only friends they had left them behind. The person that was left behind might feel like they were a burden and feel sorry for themselves which could push their sanity to the very edge. Also if you leave them behind and other people witnessed that they might do the same to you to see how you like it. Another think that could happen is that after you abandon someone they could survive on their own and come back to hurt you for simply abandoning them. Similar to how some serial killers or psychopathic people in movies kill their parents for abusing or abandoning them. Leaving someone behind could break that person and haunt them for the rest of their lives, which is why never leaving someone behind is a principle I will always keep no matter what the circumstance is.   


  1. While if someone told me it was ok to leave them behind, and the situation necessitated it I would, I also definitely agree with you. Since really the only thing that might be able to keep some people going (living) other than just their own drive for survival is other people. Unless you aren't friends with someone it would be extremely hard already to leave someone behind. Now if you don't exactly like the person you are leaving it would be harder but what you said about how it would affect them would still be true. I can't say that I would always follow this principle, however I do agree with all your reasons for doing so. They might not try to hunt you down but they certainly would be hurt.

  2. What about when it's necessary to leave someone behind? In the apocalyptic world this would be someone developing a disease or a bodily injury that slows everyone down, as the said person would need to be given special treatment. Things like extra food and medical supplies are used up quickly, diminishing your stock. The said person would also have nothing to contribute to the group anymore. In the modern world this could be something like a friend getting lost in a dangerous world and trying to drag you down with them. Would you leave them then? If they were no good for your life?

  3. I see your point, and although today I would almost completely agree, it doesn't always have to be in today's circumstances. In the apocalypse, I doubt there is going to be room for friendships. I would care only for my family and I. Even today, if you are drifting apart from someone, because of something they did bad to you or whatever really, it is okay to leave them behind, It is your decision and right to choose who you associate yourself with. It doesn't make you or the other a bad person, it's simply a question of your happiness and life. That said as long as you do it in a civil and respectful manner it should workout fine for both parties.
