Saturday, March 28, 2015


To Junior and the other Native Americans the reservation is a prison that'll keep them from succeeding in life and make them stay poor. However Junior works hard to leave the reservation and succeeds in Rearden where everyone has hope there. A lot of the Native Americans on the Reservation are angry that Junior left and betrayed them. They are most likely jealous that Junior has the courage to leave his home and go to a place with complete strangers in order to succeed in life. In my neighborhood there is pace that I compare to the reservation, it's my neighborhood high school, Benito Juarez High School. Everyone in my neighborhood knows it's one of the worst high schools in the city, probably even in the state. Hardly any of the students graduate, there are a lot of fights there, some students get arrested, some are on drugs, and some girls even get pregnant. It's so bad that a lot of parents use it's reputation to threaten their children, for example "If you don't get good grades you'll end up going to Juarez were you'll get robbed and beat up" . However jut like Junior there are some people at this high school who work very hard to leave that high school and move on in life in order to succeed, To my knowledge there have been 2 students that have graduated from Juarez High school and gone to Harvard University. This is why Benito Juarez High School is the Rez in my neighborhood, it has a very bad reputation, and most of the people there end up failing in life, nut there are "Juniors" that go above and beyond and succeed at life when they were given such harsh circumstances.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Son

Native Son is a powerful story that will move you and make you question what truly makes a person evil. Native Son is split into 3 books, the first 2 focuses on Bigger Thomas who struggles with his internal fear of white people and the his murder of Mary Dalton. The 3rd book focuses on racism on a whole and shakes the foundations of our society. At the beginning of the book Bigger believes that white people keep him from succeeding at life until he is hired by Mr.Dalton to be a chuffer. Mr.Dalton shows Bigger extreme kindness which makes Bigger question if his impression of white people is correct. He the murders Mary Dalton out of fear of being accused of rape. He then feels that Mary's murder was justified because he felt that he finally snapped from being oppressed by white people, and he then murders Bessie. After reading Bigger murdering Mary and Bessie the reader begins to dislike Bigger and hopes he gets caught. It isn't until Max, Bigger's lawyer gives a very long speeches that tackles racism, In his speech, Max states that the reason Bigger murdered was because he was edged on from living in a corrupt society where white people segregate black people. If Bigger hadn't live in such horrible conditions he wouldn't have murdered. Max's speech is very moving and it completely changes the reader's opinion on Bigger. It puts the reader on the edge of their seat, anxiously waiting to see if Bigger if Bigger will get death penalty. Bigger does get the death penalty and this makes the reader very upset. In my opinion this is one of the best ways to write a story, to create a character and a story that makes the reader feel upset when something horrible happens in the book. The fact that this story is very realistic, it makes the reader reflect on the society they live in right now, and I think that was Richard Wright's intention.     

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Principle To Keep

A principle I would always keep with me no matter what the circumstance is would be to leave no man left behind. I would never leave anyone behind because leaving someone to behind is basically telling them that they are of no use to you and that you don't want them with you anymore. You are abandoning them and leaving them to fend for themselves. In the scenario of an apocalypse you are leaving them to die because no one would be able to survive on their own. If you abandon them they will feel hopeless and depressed because the only friends they had left them behind. The person that was left behind might feel like they were a burden and feel sorry for themselves which could push their sanity to the very edge. Also if you leave them behind and other people witnessed that they might do the same to you to see how you like it. Another think that could happen is that after you abandon someone they could survive on their own and come back to hurt you for simply abandoning them. Similar to how some serial killers or psychopathic people in movies kill their parents for abusing or abandoning them. Leaving someone behind could break that person and haunt them for the rest of their lives, which is why never leaving someone behind is a principle I will always keep no matter what the circumstance is.   

Thursday, December 11, 2014


When I first started reading "Their Eyes Were Watching God" I felt bad for Janie because her grandmother forced her to marry Logan and told her that with time she would eventually love him, but she never does. However after spending only a week with Jody she decides to run off with him because she didn't feel like she was being treated fairly by Logan. But after a few years Jody acted even worse than Logan because not only did he make her work, he abused her and kept her from socializing with the rest of the town, After Jody dies, Janie meets Tea Cake who she begins to fall in love with, Even after what happen with Logan and Jody, Jamie is still going to rush her emotions just to get marriage without getting to know them better. If she had done that with Jody she wouldn't have run off with him. If she keeps doing this she will always have her heart broken by some guy who only acts nice at first.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


I am thankful for Odin Slade Byrd. Odin is very funny, kind, and inviting. I am thankful for him being funny because whenever I work in a group worth him it's never a dull moment because he always has a joke or something funny to say. I am very thankful for him being kind because whenever someone in our group isn't working well, or someone is struggling with their work he doesn't get mad that they're not getting their part done, instead he helps them, which is a sign of a good friend. I am also thankful that Odin is very inviting, earlier during the year when we were doing group work Odin saw I didn't have a group so he invited me into his group, I am thankful for this because if he didn't invite me into his group I probably wouldn't have met such a nice friend.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemmingway

     Ernest Hemmingway is a brilliant author who's stories were based of off his adventures in real life. His writing style was also inspired by other writers like Mark Twain. All of his stories were inspired by at least one his adventures in real life and one unique writing style. Some of his stories like  2 big hearted river, and in another country, relate to his time in the war and show his insecurity of his masculinity, since they both involve violence and depression. Most of his stories show a lot of masculinity in the characters and the setting, this is because when he was child his mother dressed as a girl and cut his hair to make him look like a girl, so he wants to do and write a manly story to make up for what he had to go through as a child. A cat in the rain reflects Ernest's love life, because he's had multiple wives and always loses interest in them like the husband in the story. All of Hemmingway's stories form a sort of emotional timeline for his life. Each story shows what he was feeling at the time, his current relationship status, and what his interest were at the time.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

6 6 Word Sentences

1.) The old man, the little girl.
2.) The knife, the blood, the crying.
3.) The man, the wife, the baby.
4.) The last apple I will eat.
5.) I will never work ever again.
6.) My father went to the moon.